Friday 31 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

At the same time there was two other guy friend of her who invited her to hang out.
(30 March 2017)

I told her to tell she has a bf and she does not hinkmts a good idea.
(30 March 2017)

She says she is not get as such thing.
(30 March 2017)

He however remained persistent. yesterday I was with her and she asked me to tell him something that would make him stop.
(30 March 2017)

I brushed the thing off tbh, not taking the guy seriously.
(30 March 2017)

She told me she didn't want to go at all.
(30 March 2017)

A few days my gf sent a picture of an old friend of hers who out of nowhere invite her out.
(30 March 2017)

My boyfriend got angry when I called his dick cute?
(30 March 2017)

Worried that I got my girlfriend pregnant?
(30 March 2017)

I don't know what to do and need help honestly.
(30 March 2017)

Thursday 30 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

Why do I keep having this dream on my ex?
(29 March 2017)

Why do I keep having this dream?
(29 March 2017)

The dream always ends up of me and him meeting at his house and me apologizing to his mom from the past we had.
(29 March 2017)

I have a boyfriend but I keep having the same dream of me and my ex is going to reunite.
(29 March 2017)

I hate my stepdaughter?
(29 March 2017)

Her voice is soft and mousy like her mother's.
(29 March 2017)

I just want him to myself. :( I hate seeing her face.
(29 March 2017)

Why did this one have to have offspring?
(29 March 2017)

Its not like there are that many smart and charming men left.
(29 March 2017)

My husband is so smart and handsome and charming.
(29 March 2017)

Wednesday 29 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

Over the past week or so she has started to flirt woth me again, just like before.
(29 March 2017)

At the time I ended our friendship but she apologized and bc I like someone else now as well I decided to forgive her and we stayed friends even though we aren't as close a before.
(29 March 2017)

A few weeks back she texted me and told me she always only saw me as a friend and nothing more and that she was sorry for leading me on.
(29 March 2017)

She did not make clear what she wanted and kept leading me onfor no reason.
(29 March 2017)

She instead suggested we hookup which I turned down because her last fwb ended badly and she blamed the guy for what happened even though she suggested it.
(29 March 2017)

Back then she said she felt the same way but was scared of getting hurt as her 3 prev relationships ended with her getting cheated on.
(29 March 2017)

She started flirting with me and gave other signs she was interested so back in dec I told her how I felt.
(29 March 2017)

We have known each other since last aug and ended up getting really close.
(29 March 2017)

How can I win my crush over?
(29 March 2017)

I don't know her well enough to know if she'd like that.
(29 March 2017)

Tuesday 28 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

What boy names go well with this last name?
(28 March 2017)

What's wrong with my brother? I walked into his room and he was doing something DISGUSTING!?
(28 March 2017)

I am asking this because I couldn't exactly figure out how blocking works on eHarmony.
(28 March 2017)

Why are things moving so slow?
(28 March 2017)

What should I do and why is he moving things so slow?
(28 March 2017)

I like him so much that I just want the relationship to move forward.
(28 March 2017)

He s always respectful and he isn t talking to anyone else.
(28 March 2017)

Whenever I ask him what his intentions are he avoids the question through text.
(28 March 2017)

He asks me to chill once a week, 2 times in my room, once in his and once at the library (we live on campus). He said we need to talk in person but we went to the library and he never brought it up.
(28 March 2017)

At the same time I know we like each other because when we hangout, he kisses and cuddles me.
(28 March 2017)

Monday 27 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I'm actually genuinely in love with this boy and want nothing but the best for him.
(27 March 2017)

He just left another girl last night due to it, and I think that really broke him.
(27 March 2017)

His ex girlfriend killed himself a while ago, and he's convinced he can't ever be happy without her.
(27 March 2017)

He lives 200 miles away and I have no way of contacting his parents, and everybody I know who is near him is asleep.
(27 March 2017)

My friend is talking about killing himself, and I have no idea what to do.
(27 March 2017)

But I still catch her staring at me . When I asked for her number that was my first time of ever talking to her . What do you think?
(27 March 2017)

I haven t talked to her since that day.
(27 March 2017)

Then I asked for her number and she still said no.
(27 March 2017)

The next day I talked to the girl and asked if I could walk with her and she said no.
(27 March 2017)

But then one day I don t know how but her friend told me she thinks she s interested in me.
(27 March 2017)

Sunday 26 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

So I like this guys and lately he's been giving me a ton of mixed signals.
(26 March 2017)

Girls What's the best reply to her ??Need Help!?
(26 March 2017)

You can ask me any questions now so that we are on the same page.
(26 March 2017)

I just want to clarify things because you seem to not have understood me when we last spoke about it.
(26 March 2017)

I just want friendship and if that is not what you are looking for, then I think it's best that we kept a certain distance.
(26 March 2017)

I don't have any feelings for you now and I never will.
(26 March 2017)

My daughter wants a puppy really bad but I can't do it?
(26 March 2017)

I know it's lame for me to ask because I'm her father and I should just stick to no and let her cry, but she's really passionate about this.
(26 March 2017)

And she doesn't give up, it's something she really wants.
(26 March 2017)

I'm her father, so I'm not changing my answer any time soon... I just hate seeing her so hurt.
(26 March 2017)

Saturday 25 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

She is funny and when its just us she not bad.
(24 March 2017)

I feel as if when we talk I'm a therapist.
(24 March 2017)

She never gives me a ride even though my parents would often drop her off at her house that was miles away(i don't have a car) we only do stuff that she wants to do.
(24 March 2017)

Pros She acts different around different people.
(24 March 2017)

Am I simply overthinking everything?
(24 March 2017)

She also says that she enjoys being single for now, but what does all of this mean?
(24 March 2017)

Bad age difference?
(24 March 2017)

I am 13 years old, and the guy I like is 15, turning 16 soon.
(24 March 2017)

I wont let age stand in between us but I would like to hear your opinions.
(24 March 2017)

I have found the most amazing boy.
(24 March 2017)

Friday 24 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

There is a woman that is clearly unfit to be a mother she is pregnant and has asked if she could give me and my husband her unborn baby?
(23 March 2017)

She has done this before she gave a child up before and does not want to keep this one help please.
(23 March 2017)

We cannot have kids and want a baby I need advice because we really want this baby and I just don t know how we can go about keeping this baby and raising it as our own.
(23 March 2017)

We keep the hallway light on and she has a night light some nights she uses the tv.
(23 March 2017)

But I do have to hold her like I did with him.
(23 March 2017)

Luckily my girlfriend doesn't do that.
(23 March 2017)

My ex had the same problem he would get so scared he would start crying and shaking I had to hold and rock him until he fell asleep.
(23 March 2017)

My girlfriend is scared of the dark she's been scared of the dark since she was a kid.
(23 March 2017)

Please help I feel like a terrible girlfriend :,(?
(23 March 2017)

Is there anything i should do to make it up to him or should I talk to him about it?
(23 March 2017)

Thursday 23 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

Promposal: What should I do too ask a girl to prom?
(23 March 2017)

Also I m pretty fit so I was thinking about wearing nothing but a tutu but maybe not.
(23 March 2017)

She likes country and edm music, state parks, hiking, bowling, and dance.
(23 March 2017)

Last year I went to Wisconsin (I don t live in Wisconsin), got big fireworks and had friends light them off while we ate dinner that I made her.
(23 March 2017)

I don't actually listen to her as I am trying to sleep.
(23 March 2017)

Sorry about the long details, I'm just really torn about this girl and feel a lot of emotions...
(23 March 2017)

Or is there no such thing, should I just jump in and ask this girl to be my girlfriend?
(23 March 2017)

Is there some kind of middle ground I can convince her to meet me at?
(23 March 2017)

I really like her but I'm not ready for a relationship, I wouldn't have time to meet all her needs with my hectic life.
(23 March 2017)

Yet, I still get very jealous when she talks to any other guy or I see she's snapchatting or texting another guy.
(23 March 2017)

Wednesday 22 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I've caught him dating and he's admitted to even kissing and touching other girls.
(22 March 2017)

We live together, he uses my phone, he knows my passwords, and still he accuses me of this crap.
(22 March 2017)

We have been together 6 months and suddenly he's started accusing me of cheating.
(22 March 2017)

I don t think I can have kids?
(22 March 2017)

I like my boyfriend more for his looks and like my crush because of her personality.
(22 March 2017)

I don't think I can have kid's?
(22 March 2017)

But he is transferring to another school next year.
(22 March 2017)

The thing is I don't know if he still likes me.
(22 March 2017)

Now we treat each other like friends and barely spend anytime with each other.
(22 March 2017)

I mean it doesn't feel like dating, we haven't gone on any dates and only used to do romantic things last year.
(22 March 2017)

Tuesday 21 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I wish I could see him everyday like I used to.But i cant.
(20 March 2017)

I haven't felt that way for years which was with him.
(20 March 2017)

NOW im in 9th grade, and I recently went back there to visit with my mom,and I got to see him (: I was so happy, it was just like old times, the kissing was amazing, everything was.
(20 March 2017)

So now we skip to 8th grade, I had some people I dated but wasn't really into them, like when we'd break up I had no emotions TBH I really didn't even wanna date them in the first place but I liked them.
(20 March 2017)

Btw I moved somewhere almost 10 hrs away.
(20 March 2017)

I still thought about him everyday.
(20 March 2017)

Me and him kinda txted but not really how we used to, and then stopped talking for good.
(20 March 2017)

So after that school year ended, me and my family moved to a different state for my dads job, I was kinda happy and sad at the same time.
(20 March 2017)

Literally he made me feel some type of way, I can't explain it.
(20 March 2017)

When we broke up I was heartbroken, cried myself to sleep for almost 3 months straight.
(20 March 2017)

Monday 20 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I m pregnant and my mother hates me and the boyfriend who I m pregnant for?
(20 March 2017)

I don t know what to do , I apologize for any grammer s I m just broken... this isn t going so well... I don t know what to do.
(20 March 2017)

But now things are going great and I feel like she s making this about her and completely ignoring me.
(20 March 2017)

She doesn t like my boyfriend because he and I had a few rough moments before.
(20 March 2017)

For 8 years doctors told me I couldn t have child, so now I m finally pregnant and this is very scary and lovely to me ... I feel so depressed and just sad.. I can t stop crying because this isn t going well.
(20 March 2017)

I m 25 years old and I just found out yesterday that I m pregnant and I told my mother... at first she was ok with it and a bit happy even hugged me.
(20 March 2017)

How long after I stop taking my birth control can I start trying to get pregnant?
(20 March 2017)

My husband and I are trying to have a baby and I ve been off my birth control pills for a few months, but we can t seem to time it right because my period is still irregular.
(20 March 2017)

Virgin until 22yrs old. Not sure how to recongnise true love?
(20 March 2017)

I like all the girls I'm seeing.
(20 March 2017)

Sunday 19 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

He said he liked me so much.. and I'be heard that after guys have sex with someone the first time, they will most likely stay if they liked the sex.
(18 March 2017)

And now he is talking to another girl.
(18 March 2017)

But two weeks after we had sex that one time, he broke up with me.
(18 March 2017)

We waited for 5 months to have sex.
(18 March 2017)

He texted me the next day and told me how amazing it was and we talked normally for another week.
(18 March 2017)

He kept telling me how much he enjoyed it.
(18 March 2017)

He came so fast and he came a lot.
(18 March 2017)

He is a teen and it seemed like he really enjoyed it.
(18 March 2017)

I Still Like Him?
(18 March 2017)

When I'm doing something, I'll wish he was there with me and when I'm sad, Ill wish he's there to cheer me up.
(18 March 2017)

Saturday 18 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

She's told me she's really shy and over text she is fine, but in public she barely talks and doesn't want to hang out much.
(18 March 2017)

I recently asked my crush out and she said yes, but she doesn't really seem into it as much as I.
(18 March 2017)

I dont like that my boyfriend to go out with friends because i know how his friends are, immature.?
(18 March 2017)

My guy friend held my hand on the bus and I let him even though my parents wouldn't allow it and that I'm not allowed to date. What do I do?
(18 March 2017)

So we ride the bus together I am 13 he is 15 and he sits by me every day we held hands on the bus I know my parents wouldn't allow it but I have been wanting that for a while now.
(18 March 2017)

I took a pregnancy test today and it came back with positive.
(18 March 2017)

Two days ago I had some large blood clots come out followed by bleeding and extreme cramping.
(18 March 2017)

I ve been feeling nauseous, had sore breasts, and been tired all the time.
(18 March 2017)

Since then, I have had intercourse and did not use protection.
(18 March 2017)

I last got my period about two months ago in the beginning of January.
(18 March 2017)

Friday 17 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I do think a relationship should have rules and guidelines that both are subject to.
(16 March 2017)

Does sending nudes make me a slut?
(16 March 2017)

But we have been dating for a month sooo... What do you thinking about sending nudes?
(16 March 2017)

I told my bf that I do not want to send him nudes because I feel like it's kinda slutty and then he just said that I'm too conservative.
(16 March 2017)

I tell her what my needs are and will try to compromise so we are both happy.
(16 March 2017)

I figure if she is doing something I do not like I can always find someone else.
(16 March 2017)

If she insists on doing something I do not like I will try to persuade her not to but I do not threaten her in any way or tell her she is stupid or anything like that.
(16 March 2017)

If she is planning to do something I feel I can tell her how I think and that I really do not want her to do this but I do not have the ability to forbid it.
(16 March 2017)

Should I let this person go?
(16 March 2017)

I want to try to move on with this new dude, but a part of me is scared to leave A because he knows so much about me and I know so much about him and a part of feels that one day me and him will be together, but idk. should I leave A in the past?
(16 March 2017)

Thursday 16 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

But for some reason she never flow with the conversation, never asked me questions, sometimes asking me questions, but whenever I answer, the conversation would die down.
(15 March 2017)

She even asked if these other 2 girls in our class were just my friends (which they are), and asked that we should all hang out together.
(15 March 2017)

She would laugh and smile at my corny stupid jokes and revealed deep issues about her life to me.
(15 March 2017)

On the date she was clearly showing signs of interests by touching her hair, twirling her straw, leaning forward, staring me in the eyes and smiling, etc.
(15 March 2017)

After a month she texted me and I asked her out, we arrange a date after class.
(15 March 2017)

Long story short, I have a crush on a girl in my class, asked her out but she flaked on me.
(15 March 2017)

Could this get me into trouble?
(15 March 2017)

I m terrified of getting into trouble, and I don t want to deal with embarrassment.
(15 March 2017)

The bus stopped and I ran inside.
(15 March 2017)

I got into a fight with some girls on my bus, and I used really bad words. (It wasn t a physical fight) and when I got off one of them yelled something out the window and I gave them the finger.
(15 March 2017)

Wednesday 15 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

With anyone, they just disappear and find someone else.
(14 March 2017)

Did i come off weird to him?
(14 March 2017)

Is there a possibility he will contact me?
(14 March 2017)

Im just nervous about this and feel like i was too bold of doing that.
(14 March 2017)

He continiued to talk to normal.
(14 March 2017)

He smiled and said ok let me save it. , He started asking me why i had a different area code , where i was from etc.
(14 March 2017)

So i work at this bank and he wanted to tell me the information but he let me see his phone instead to look at it . so i put my number in his phone and gave it back to him like that.
(14 March 2017)

Ok so this cute guy came into my job and we were talking a little bit and stuff.
(14 March 2017)

Affair- advise please?
(14 March 2017)

And will there releationship work now?
(14 March 2017)

Tuesday 14 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

Are there any other race of men who would love to be intimate with sensuously exciting and classy black woman other than it's own kind?
(13 March 2017)

Is because they are you're type in general.
(13 March 2017)

So I'm curios ( and we do not need to be overly diplomatic or careful with answers) would an Asian or Indian man , or any other ethnicity make love to a very sexy hot black woman?
(13 March 2017)

I know the usual joke is that no one wants black women or BM don't want BW.
(13 March 2017)

Ok people lets be very earnest and unbiased with answers.
(13 March 2017)

How do you get a beautiful girl out of you mind?
(13 March 2017)

I try to do other things to distract me heck I even try asking out other girls but damn this girl is taking over my life and she doesn't even know that what so ever.
(13 March 2017)

Mostly because I don't know anything about her and we've never spoke.
(13 March 2017)

I don't want to be obsessed anymore with a fantastical love life that doesn't exist.
(13 March 2017)

I've been reject from multiple people whether they had a boyfriend or if weren't interested and I was able to move on with my life just fine but the thought of this girl is just driving me crazy and as time progresses it becoming more and more asinine.
(13 March 2017)

Monday 13 March 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

I slept with my ex boyfriend at my grandma's house while she was on vacation?
(12 March 2017)

I don't want her to think this is something I do all the time or be disappointed in me, but if it's the right thing to do then I feel like I should tell her.
(12 March 2017)

I've never done it again and for some reason I feel guilty about it.
(12 March 2017)

Though it was a while ago I feel guilty because my grandma doesn't believe in sex before marriage.
(12 March 2017)

This happened about 2 years ago when I was 21. My grandma wanted me to watch over her house and my ex agot drunk and I drove him back with me and one thing led to another.
(12 March 2017)

Do black women prefer white men over black men?
(12 March 2017)

To have Another baby or not?
(12 March 2017)

Very colic and he is mildly autistic.
(12 March 2017)

My last pregnancy was pretty rough, I was 2 points away from having gestational diabetes.
(12 March 2017)

Another baby is nice but I just spent 8 months losing 40 pounds.
(12 March 2017)

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

How do I deal with Mom's boyfriend smoking weed?
(12 March 2017)

I don't wanna call anyone...I just want advice on what I could do to avoid it.
(12 March 2017)

Same with my tell me what to do?
(12 March 2017)

Anyway, I'm a bit uncomfortable talking about it with him, since I'm uncomfortable with him, probably because we never talk.
(12 March 2017)

My two younger brothers don't seem to mind, but they are both pretty young, like 5 and 12, so I would think they'd be bothered by it
(12 March 2017)

Not only that, but my older brother smokes it, too.
(12 March 2017)

I have to close my damn door so no weed smell goes into my room.
(12 March 2017)

This guy smokes weed in the house and I hate it.
(12 March 2017)

Has anyone said something to their sibling about not liking their girlfriend? Or do you just keep it to yourself?
(12 March 2017)

I wouldn't' doubt he is footing the bill for it too.
(12 March 2017)

That must be how it feels to wake up on this bed

Family, friends, fashion, food and other sources of confusion. Yup, the bed is a million bucks. If I had this bed, I probably won't get out of it under any circumstance. WANDERER: Must see some place new every year. Flew to Hong Kong on a new chapter. Flew to Japan to make someone happy.

His fiancee is a widow and lives alone.
(12 March 2017)

He says he doesn't want to continue his ministry alone and needs a helpmate.
(12 March 2017)

Am I attractive?why don't Guys don't ask me out?
(12 March 2017)

I'm 19 in college and the guys I have talked and showed interest to have rejected me.
(12 March 2017)

How to change the way I feel about this?
(12 March 2017)

Would trying to drop a hint about it be easier?
(12 March 2017)

I tried telling my mom this stuff but she said I was being a brat and needed to suck it up.
(12 March 2017)

Now I'm kinda upset because 1. I am a teenage girl and I really wanted somewhere to go to stay away from the boys and 2. When skiing I get sore easily so I want a nice comfy bed that will help me.
(12 March 2017)

But when we showed up one of the families that got here before us said the boys were sleeping in the bunk room.
(12 March 2017)

The house we're staying at has a four bed bunk room which works perfect because there are four of us teenage girls who need privacy against the seven boys lol.
(12 March 2017)

This pattern is observed in 22 out of 35 countries with available data

Education & Skills Today: Why do so many women want to become teachers? Around 82% of primary school teachers and 63% of secondary school teachers are women. Women fill only 43% of the jobs in tertiary education. In secondary school, women are less frequently found teaching science, mathematics and technology classes.

Anyway, she is really pretty (long loose brown curls, pretty eyes, thick eyebrows but no monobrow, fair, small pink plump lips, fairly skinny). I am also thin but I'm a bit underweight so I come off as bony.
(12 March 2017)

First off, we both are girls in an all girls school so there is no boy drama.
(12 March 2017)

Recently I have been feeling a bit jealous of her.
(12 March 2017)

I trust her the most out of my friends.
(12 March 2017)

Okay so basically at the start of Yr 7, everyone was new and I approached a girl called Diya (not her real name). Anyway I made friends with her and after a few months she became my best friend.
(12 March 2017)

Why would he disappear?
(12 March 2017)

He's a Virgo btw idk if that'll help lmao I'm a Taurus female..
(12 March 2017)

How do I develop my personality?
(12 March 2017)

My homelife is dead I'm an only child and I'm always doing my own thing plus I'm an introvert- these are the things I blame for me being this way.
(12 March 2017)

My self esteem is so low and I'm so insecure like there's so much pressure I put in myself to please other people and maintain relationships but they all due very quickly.
(12 March 2017)

This cradle was given to us by the previous owners of our home

Christina found this rolling wooden cart at a garage sale, and I refreshed the finish on the top and bottom shelves. I replaced some of the mismatched hardware and the insert for the bed, and I painted it a glossy white. This desk came from a garage sale and was in rough shape.

I ve been going to this place for coffee for a couple of months and there is a waitress there that I really like.
(12 March 2017)

My guy frd and I hung out. He kissed me. Should I tell my bf?
(12 March 2017)

Never going to hang out with him again but I do feel quirty.
(12 March 2017)

My guy frd who haven t seen in while and our personalities are flirtatious and told him just friend but other night he kissed me (peck) should I tell my bf.
(12 March 2017)

How many husbands may I have in Muslim Albania?
(12 March 2017)

What does it mean when i girl is rubbing hard against you at a concert?
(12 March 2017)

My girlfriend doubts my success?
(12 March 2017)

We caught yesterday about this and she eventually ended up crying and apologizing saying she s sorry and feels stupid, but I don t want this to happen again.
(12 March 2017)

We have been together for 6 years now, and I just want this doubting to stop so we can move forward into our relationship.
(12 March 2017)

Should I not worry about my career choice?
(12 March 2017)

Sunday 12 March 2017

You will also have access to an arsenal of remarkable web design tools to make your work easier

All in all, how well the CMS serves you will depend on the service provider you end up choosing. Even if you find a remarkable platform that you like, you have to account for the needs of your customers. Will they be able to comfortably use it once your work is done?

I'm scared she'll tell my crush?
(12 March 2017)

Is there any way to reassure she won't tell?
(12 March 2017)

Long story short, we were sharing secrets and I told my friend who I had a crush on.
(12 March 2017)

Is 5'6 tall for a female? Or is it short?
(11 March 2017)

Also do guys like this height in women?
(11 March 2017)

Help just got dumped?
(11 March 2017)

I feel like I've been hit by a bus and am just lost figuring out how to get over this just please any advice.
(11 March 2017)

We've been dating for a year and a half and some great times but she told me she just wants to try new things.
(11 March 2017)

I'm sitting around after being dumped by my first ever real girlfriend.
(11 March 2017)

What would you say to the nanny?
(11 March 2017)

Delicate strums of guitar furthers the feel of the eerie

Proceedings grow grave, swelling, seemingly, towards some sort of grand cacophony. Things, however, become sedate and accompanied with light piano keys. It swells, yet again, booming and almost ominous. The vibe and atmosphere is similar, though the vocals seem more at the forefront, this time.

We usually have sex at least once a month or whenever she feels like it.
(11 March 2017)

Me and my wife have been married for 5 months.
(11 March 2017)

Why are people so against abortions?
(11 March 2017)

Who cares if they remove the child... Just a quick sidenote, I never got involved in abortion or anti abortion and I don't want to be, but I just realized this is a bit strange.
(11 March 2017)

Anyway, it's not even a human yet.
(11 March 2017)

Maybe like one abortion per person?
(11 March 2017)

The world is overpopulated, and accidents (having sex and the condom rips or something) happen.
(11 March 2017)

How to tell if my bf is cheating... with my mom?
(11 March 2017)

And she shrugged her shoulders.. AND the first week when my bf and I met.. when he saw my mom come home from the window, he said 'damn your mom is hot' because we weren't dating yet.. How should I confront my bf about this?
(11 March 2017)

I was like what kind of question is that?
(11 March 2017)

Your employees see the challenges their colleagues have to deal with every day

Today we will discuss one of the most common issues that can be potentially holding your business back. As soon as any company has more than 2 employees, cross-department or cross-functional conflicts are inevitable. The bigger the company, the more strained cross-department relations hamper its growth.

This question is more complicated than it seems.
(11 March 2017)

I am on new school bus i just started dating my bf who attends school he wants sex were only in middle school should i dump him?
(11 March 2017)

Sister disappeared?
(11 March 2017)

We were cleaning the house and she disappeared, she is 5?
(11 March 2017)

I'm depressed about graduating high school, should I be?
(11 March 2017)

Which honestly makes it even more depressing because I'll be leaving but they're staying a little longer and that makes me even more sad.
(11 March 2017)

But I still wont be seeing my friends in my class (Who I will still keep in my life) and friends who are in grades under me.
(11 March 2017)

Now I do think that its for the better though because its a fresh start at life and I won't be seeing people who I dont want to because there are plenty of those people in my class that I won't be seeing anymore.
(11 March 2017)

Because when I do graduate it's such a big change and I won't be able to see my friends and everybody else.
(11 March 2017)

I'm graduating this year and it's very depressing to the point I cry almost daily thinking about it.
(11 March 2017)

Standard practice is to turn intruders over to the local police department

It was the first known security breach at the White House since Trump took office nearly two months ago. Washington police identified the intruder as 26-year-old Jonathan Tran of Milpitas, Calif. When approached by a Secret Service officer on the south grounds about 11:38 p.m.

Can you see a baby in an ultrasound at 10 weeks?
(11 March 2017)

She knows it's all fake but it's still based on a true story.
(11 March 2017)

Shes trying to be an actress herself she said she couldnt do a movie of that she would have nightmares especially if she was one of the people being killed.
(11 March 2017)

I don't know why she said they show killing in these movies they hardly don't.
(11 March 2017)

She cried when the actress was begging them to let her have her baby then they started stabbing her.
(11 March 2017)

I don't know why she gets so scared.
(11 March 2017)

She likes it when they kill the people but she doesn't like seeing the actual killing they don't even really show it.
(11 March 2017)

She was watching a scene from Helter Skelter.
(11 March 2017)

She does love Manson but she's scared of him.
(11 March 2017)

My girlfriend was watching a video of the Charles Manson murders last night she had a hard time getting to sleep she knows now not to watch that before bedtime.
(11 March 2017)

They can be fucking bothered to listen to her talk or read her detailed plans

Hillary literally writes a book about her policies with extreme detail and people say that all her platform is bashing trump. She gets so caught up in detail that ppl just give up. Hillary literally writes a book about her policies with extreme detail and people say that all her platform is bashing trump.

I moved to his house after the baby was born and stayed there to take things right.
(11 March 2017)

I am no longer with my daughters father.
(11 March 2017)

Is a 14 year old a kid?
(11 March 2017)

I m 14 and I just want to know if most most people think that 14 year olds are kids.
(11 March 2017)

Is it ok for an 18 yr to date a 15 yr?
(11 March 2017)

I recently got a new girlfriend (and btw i am a girl)?
(11 March 2017)

My husband (grad student) is making many new friend of the opposite sex?
(11 March 2017)

Is it wrong for me to feel insecure about this?
(11 March 2017)

How important is chemistry in a relationship?
(11 March 2017)

But how can I give nice guys a chance if there is no spark ?
(11 March 2017)

So if you want to tell others please tell about this public and free place

All it's asked is to click in a small short link in order the person in charge to get some income. Donations are more than welcomed too. Hope this will somehow explain/clarify your questions. I will only buy the magazines if I do have the donation money enough to buy the magazine. other wise I will not buy it.

How to flirt and how to know if he likes me back?
(11 March 2017)

I don t have much experience, but I wanted to know how I can get my crush s attention.
(11 March 2017)

I have never really had any romantic experience, which is a bit weird for a high school girl like me.
(11 March 2017)

I said miss you?
(11 March 2017)

What's the fastest you've ever fallen in love, I just fell in love with a coworker yesterday we've only known each for like 5 days?
(11 March 2017)

I don't believe in love at first sight but trust me I know I've fallen in love like a rose that has blossomed in the snow.
(11 March 2017)

I know it wont work out but I'd even propose to them at the end of this month.
(11 March 2017)

I'm completely in love with them don't tell me it's lust I KNOW I'm in love with them.
(11 March 2017)

When we're working it takes so much self restraint to not starting humping them or kiss them.
(11 March 2017)

I keep trying to talk to her but she gets upset when we try to talk about it.
(11 March 2017)

We have already seen on previous Sundays how radical Jesus is in his speech

So, today is the last Sunday before Lent. Why should we put on the same level two realities so different between them? God is the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth; money is just a means invented by man to make trade among people easier. Of course, as long as money is a simple instrument for living, there is no problem.

I remember I walked up to a girl at the beach before and just said hey, and asked her how she was, and she was fine with it, we just sat and talked for like 20 minutes.
(10 March 2017)

Ex Boyfriend issues?
(10 March 2017)

My head tells me I'm over him but my heart tells me I'm not.
(10 March 2017)

We are not talking at all and I do not want to talk to him first.
(10 March 2017)

He told me: 1. He would never leave me 2. He would never hurt me 3. He loved me more than anyone 4. He's never loved anyone like me 5. He loved me more than I loved him I feel like all this is lies.
(10 March 2017)

I feel like he never loved me and I was just a cover up to hide his feelings for his ex.
(10 March 2017)

I feel like he never cared about me.
(10 March 2017)

I feel like I was being used the whole time.
(10 March 2017)

So me and my boyfriend broke up on Monday because he was cheating on me for 3 weeks.
(10 March 2017)

To shy to text back?
(10 March 2017)

We have to assume that the future will resemble the past

And this guess will likely be wrong. The very day we decide to set F.I. as a goal, something incredible and subtle happens. We begin to search for resources that will help us reach F.I. sooner. For me personally, I have only been on the path to financial independence for a little over a year.

It's just casual and a way to get the another person better.
(10 March 2017)

My plan now is to ask if she wants to study sometime.
(10 March 2017)

We don't have much time to talk before class, but I've managed to introduce myself and all and talked about general class stuff.
(10 March 2017)

There's this girl that sits next to me in class that I've had a crush on all semester.
(10 March 2017)

Is it normal to feel insecure when your boyfriend is still friends with his ex crush?
(10 March 2017)

I mean, she s prettier than me, skinnier than me, a whole lot better than me and I m just a potato.
(10 March 2017)

I m just afraid that he s not over her or maybe he ll have feelings for her again.
(10 March 2017)

Is it weird to want to be raped?
(10 March 2017)

Of being raped hard by 2 men and I was wondering if I'm crazy for it.
(10 March 2017)

Can I kill myself?
(10 March 2017)

Saturday 11 March 2017

We have to assume that the future will resemble the past

And this guess will likely be wrong. The very day we decide to set F.I. as a goal, something incredible and subtle happens. We begin to search for resources that will help us reach F.I. sooner. For me personally, I have only been on the path to financial independence for a little over a year.

I've had a lot of great things happen in my life lately, and anytime I share with her via text, she skips over the news or she doesn't text me at all about it.
(9 March 2017)

Her financial debt is much greater than mine.
(9 March 2017)

I know her dream is to do the same but things ended up differently for her.
(9 March 2017)

A few years later, I became a stay at home mom.
(9 March 2017)

Do grandmothers like their son's kids more than their daughter's kids?
(9 March 2017)

I think most strongly prefer the male's kids over female's.
(9 March 2017)

Advice on an alcoholic husband?
(9 March 2017)

We re fine) or is it that he just isn t Inlove anymore & can careless about my feelings...
(9 March 2017)

Should I ask whats up?
(9 March 2017)

Can I insert my Penis into my friends horse's vagina? I think she's pretty attracted to me?
(9 March 2017)

Friday 10 March 2017

We have to assume that the future will resemble the past

And this guess will likely be wrong. The very day we decide to set F.I. as a goal, something incredible and subtle happens. We begin to search for resources that will help us reach F.I. sooner. For me personally, I have only been on the path to financial independence for a little over a year.

How do I get a girlfriend with my circumstances?!?
(8 March 2017)

I also bath, smell good, have a decent haircut.
(8 March 2017)

I am also homeschooled but I don t think that s too big of deal concerning I do activities have tons of friends go to youth group see girls etc.
(8 March 2017)

The point is I m a normal decent guy but also a dwarf.
(8 March 2017)

I m not weird or anything btw i don t ask any weird questions or inappropriate questions.
(8 March 2017)

I am kinda stressed lately because it seems like I can t get a girlfriend or even close.
(8 March 2017)

Alright so first off I m a dwarf male 15. I don t really have dwarf features really. (straighter limbs not too big of forehead muscular) it s hard to explain But I m pretty good looking I would say.
(8 March 2017)

A lot of people nowadays are in such a rush to get into a relationship but meanwhile are either getting cheated on behind their back, lied to, played, etc.
(8 March 2017)

I know he knows people in the class I have with him he just always seems too nervous to talk, why could that be?
(8 March 2017)

I guess what I'm trying to say is find it weird that he never talks in class and I even heard him tell someone that he's only quiet in our class?
(8 March 2017)

The biggest change is adding the stitching holes to all of the pieces

This design is largely based on our Passport Wallet template set but we wanted to make a couple modifications. We adapted the template set design into a design suitable for laser cutting directly on the laser. From there we chose our leather, prepped, and took the project over to the laser cutter.

We were not planning on being parents this early in our lives but are happy about our baby on the way.
(8 March 2017)

Even though we should have enough money I want to work in case something would happen and my husband would ever lose his job or God forbid something would happen to him or we split up.
(8 March 2017)

When my child is old enough to start school I am going to get a job.
(8 March 2017)

My boyfriend who will soon be my husband has a good job and makes good money so for the first few years after my baby is born I am going to be a stay at home mom.
(8 March 2017)

Since I only have 3 more months of school I am going to graduate high school.
(8 March 2017)

I am getting married in July and I found out that I am 3 months pregnant.
(8 March 2017)

I am 18 and a senor in high school.
(8 March 2017)

Why lite skinned, black women want sleep with white men?
(8 March 2017)

Why does my boyfriend get upset with me easily?
(8 March 2017)

And when he does he won't tell me what I did...
(8 March 2017)

You actually going to be able to wait until I get home before you watch it?

Since the Blacklist is airing a rerun episode this week we decided to take the opportunity to have a little fun. You've always been very big on looking into your past. Do you think he should look into his? He feels abandoned, which is understandable. Something just seems off about it.

I just don t know what to with this group of friends because they r not mean, but they are very immature for they re ages.
(8 March 2017)

All my friends had batmitzvahs and I want a chance to feel special.
(8 March 2017)

I just don t know what to do and I really need ideas because I really want this one to be special and different from all the other ones where I didn t really enjoy them.
(8 March 2017)

They have made my other birthdays miserable where I would end up crying at each one because they either couldn t come because they had to study had a cold or made me feel left out at my own party.
(8 March 2017)

Then I thought of a dinner but lately I have not liked my friend group and I cannot stand to sit for dinner with them especially for my birthday.
(8 March 2017)

I also feel uncomfortable inviting some of the boys I know.
(8 March 2017)

But it s very late now and I don t know enough people to invite to it.
(8 March 2017)

I always wanted a big party with a dj, big dress, and dance floor.
(8 March 2017)

So my sixteenth birthday is coming up later this month, and I waited to the last minute to plan it because I could not decide what to do.
(8 March 2017)

Do you consider teenage love-making to be more intense and passionate than the love-making between adults?
(8 March 2017)

They grow more than 40-feet long and weigh up to 15 tons

If diving is not your thing, pick up some snorkel gear and get ready for an enchanting wild encounter. One thing we do know for sure is that these pigs are friendly. In Palau, on the island of Eil Malk, visitors can stop at a place called Jellyfish Lake and swim with the invertebrates.

I have a boyfriend but I like another guy?
(8 March 2017)

If I am not going in anyplace I don't need shoes to drive my car.
(8 March 2017)

I do that all the time if I am dropping my kids off at school or picking them up at school or a friends house.
(8 March 2017)

Should I warn my ex-wife she is about to go to jail or just let it play out?
(8 March 2017)

I don't want them to see her get arrested.
(8 March 2017)

Our daughters are 21 and 18 and both still live with her.
(8 March 2017)

I am torn about whether to email her and tell her or just let it happen.
(8 March 2017)

At the last date the judge delayed for 2 more weeks, but said if she doesn't show up then she is issuing a bench warrant for her arrest.
(8 March 2017)

But now she has stopped showing up.
(8 March 2017)

We have been to court several times and it kept getting kicked down the road - mostly because she lied and said she had a closing date etc.
(8 March 2017)

One of my favorite things to look forward to each week is Sunday Funday

To many of us, this gives us an excuse to get outside and enjoy every moment of paradise. To some, this means a day of heavy drinking. One of my favorites is Croissant de France on Duval. They serve classic breakfast food that is prepared spectacularly, but their eggs benedict are what really make my mouth wet.

Do you know twins or triplets?
(8 March 2017)

Im curious to see how similar or different their first names are.
(8 March 2017)

I'd be rich if I had a dollar for EVERY TIME this happened to me.
(8 March 2017)

You don't understand how irritating this is unless you've gone through it yourselves.
(8 March 2017)

No one believes my real age?
(8 March 2017)

And does anyone by chance have any similar stories?
(8 March 2017)

It also adds to my insecurities and makes me wish my appearance corresponded to my age.
(8 March 2017)

One or two times is okay, but it's becoming something that's actually annoying me, especially how big of a deal people make it into.
(8 March 2017)

The teacher, who doesn't even know me, joined in and people wanted to see my ID.
(8 March 2017)

When I said my age, the entire class burst into laughter and a few just looked shocked.
(8 March 2017)

He smiles again and kisses my mouth and we both breathe in

I pull my body closer to his and wrap my arms around him and kiss every part of his skin that I can reach. No thoughts, no worries, no outside problems, just pure happiness. He rolls over onto his back and takes me under his arm and I put my head on his shoulders and wrap my leg on top of his body.

So how clean were you guys when you were younger?
(10 March 2017)

I don't know how often to clean or when to clean I just don't know.
(10 March 2017)

We tried to change but even after a couple of years I still find it hard to be a clean person.
(10 March 2017)

Until my brother and I got older and started going over our friends houses and seeing that our dirty house wasn't normal.
(10 March 2017)

So I pretty much grew up in a dirty home where the toilet was practically green.
(10 March 2017)

My dad would try to clean up but because my mom never helped him he stopped.
(10 March 2017)

Growing up my parents didn't really care if there was trash or dirt around the house.
(10 March 2017)

Should I say something to my husband or act like nothing happened?
(10 March 2017)

I mean it's one thing had he told me today it was some anniversary but like this...I don't know.Any advice?
(10 March 2017)

Will woman have sex with me if they need pay for stuff?
(10 March 2017)

The prostitutes bring their daughters into the business

Nothing better explains Jews and Judaism than the thesis that they are descendants of temple prostitutes. Imagine a new temple built by the Greeks, Babylonians, or Egyptians. The children would know their mother, but not their father. Their children would know their mother and grandmother, but not their fathers or grandfathers.

I dont want him to break up with me but I cant control how I feel. what should I do?
(10 March 2017)

I dont like other girls trying to talk to him or text him. he always tells me that he loves me and doesn't want any other girl and I believe him. but when we are out and a young girl talks to him, my whole night is ruined.
(10 March 2017)

My bf and I have been dating for 10 months and I still get jealous of other girls.
(10 March 2017)

I became independent at 18. I am ready to move out my moms place into my owns as I have my own life and kids.
(10 March 2017)

My mom didn't raise me, my grandma did.
(10 March 2017)

My boyfriend of 3 years is loosing interest in me by not having sex or showing emotion. What to do?
(10 March 2017)

Our relationship is not the same how it was b4. Should I throw 3 yrs down the drain?
(10 March 2017)

So he is askd me do I want to move on because I keep creating issues that's not their.
(10 March 2017)

So when I'm feeling stressed out when my boyfriend put me through it yes I call my bestfrind, and I get advice from a man's perspective and also I need a listening ear.
(10 March 2017)

I have never cheated on this man and for him to keep accusing me is not fair, but he has cheated on me and met up with different women.
(10 March 2017)

Thursday 9 March 2017

The prostitutes bring their daughters into the business

Nothing better explains Jews and Judaism than the thesis that they are descendants of temple prostitutes. Imagine a new temple built by the Greeks, Babylonians, or Egyptians. The children would know their mother, but not their father. Their children would know their mother and grandmother, but not their fathers or grandfathers.

But I think I arrive to my limit.
(9 March 2017)

This his real attitude and I tried to be patient for so long.
(9 March 2017)

He even got into a fight because of that.
(9 March 2017)

Not just me but everybody around him gets hurt sometimes.
(9 March 2017)

I love everything about him except that one, because it hurts me.
(9 March 2017)

I love him being so wild and always happy.
(9 March 2017)

Now he told me he ll change and be serious. but his seriousness is coldness.
(9 March 2017)

He even include our past fights that we agreed that we ll move on and start over. what should I do?
(9 March 2017)

It s not even related to his problem.
(9 March 2017)

But the thing I just can t handle anymore is that when he s really angry about something, he ll get angry at me instead and tell me things like he thinks I m unfair with this and that.
(9 March 2017)

Wednesday 8 March 2017

The prostitutes bring their daughters into the business

Nothing better explains Jews and Judaism than the thesis that they are descendants of temple prostitutes. Imagine a new temple built by the Greeks, Babylonians, or Egyptians. The children would know their mother, but not their father. Their children would know their mother and grandmother, but not their fathers or grandfathers.

We're now freshman at colleges about 4 hours apart.
(8 March 2017)

My boyfriend and I have been together off and on for about 2 years, since we were juniors in high school.
(8 March 2017)

Can I pay a girl to hold me?
(8 March 2017)

My boyfriend tied me up?
(8 March 2017)

Tied me to a dining room chair with a jump rope and made me suck on his sock with was gross then taped over it.
(8 March 2017)

Im in high school and my boyfriend and i went to his house when he said he was gonna try something cool.
(8 March 2017)

My boss wants to have a sexual relationship with me?
(8 March 2017)

How hard is it to get out once I get in?
(8 March 2017)

My boss just wants everything out of her system.
(8 March 2017)

She promised that it will be a one time thing if I don't want to do it again.
(8 March 2017)

Now an average night brings in anywhere from 250 to 500 cars and up to 150 motorcycles

Clusters of make/model and year form naturally. Cars come and go throughout the evening, and people start to head home around 9 pm. Curious, they stopped to investigate. From that time on a Valley tradition was born. On the very first Saturday night at the McDonalds, there were 10 or 12 cars.

I'm honestly still really raw emotionally and I'm dreading answering this.
(8 March 2017)

How do you handle this kind of a question tactfully?
(8 March 2017)

Tonight I'm going to a function with some people and I know they'll ask how me and my boyfriend are doing.
(8 March 2017)

My boyfriend and I broke up less than two weeks ago.
(8 March 2017)

(8 March 2017)

Can anyone boost my self esteem and help me or give me odds or anything to make me feel better.
(8 March 2017)

But I'm so nervous cuz it was my first time and I'm so scared.
(8 March 2017)

I was only in for a little bit before I pulled out extremely early to release.
(8 March 2017)

I eventually did put it in her though and we had sex.
(8 March 2017)

I did precum but wayyy before I put it in her.
(8 March 2017)

This is a fairly straightforward verse in meaning

Wherever the man came from, he cannot go back, or he would not be mourning. He is accepting of his fate and would likely prefer to look forwards the future than sit in his cell miserable over the past. He decides that this is also an unreasonable wish, one that he keeps away from his thinking.

There is this place I go that has this girl that works there.
(8 March 2017)

DCFS unproven case?
(8 March 2017)

Some mature correct advice please.
(8 March 2017)

I have always done that in last and continue just volunteer not employed will this letter from DCFS be a problem.
(8 March 2017)

Second can I volunteer part time for kids welfare.
(8 March 2017)

First I don t understand why did I even get the letter.
(8 March 2017)

Surprisingly DCFS send a note to both of us saying it is a unproven case.
(8 March 2017)

I told the truth and my husband made big stories and lied about me as a mother.
(8 March 2017)

We have a one year old child who was in her room with her nanny and witnessed nothing yet the DCFS arrived I don t know how.
(8 March 2017)

Husband beat me up on a fit of anger and I called the cops on him.
(8 March 2017)

These games have a long history throughout almost every society and civilisation

In fact, two closely related reasons exist to explain their popularity. First, gambling became popular because people enjoy making money. Furthermore, people often find more joy in acquiring money with little or no effort. Relatedly, the second reason is the actual stakes themselves.

We hung out all of the time, and Lucas was always there too.
(8 March 2017)

During our time there, he introduced me to his cabin mate, Aiden.
(8 March 2017)

Here's the story. (Fake names will be used) I went to a week long summer camp with one of my best friends (The other one, Mira, comes in later), Lucas.
(8 March 2017)

What's up with my ex?????
(8 March 2017)

Today, she was flirting with the volunteer right in front of me, and later asked why i was so quiet and distant from her.
(8 March 2017)

Anyways, she and i work together and i always see her stealing glances at me.
(8 March 2017)

Long story short, we dated for two months, she ended it, saying she needed to go focus on school cause she bombed last semster I took it as BS cause if she liked me enough, she'd make time for me.
(8 March 2017)

Is it wrong to feel in love with my late fiance s best friend?
(8 March 2017)

I feel like my fiance s family is going to give us a hard time.
(8 March 2017)

He s very far away right now we cannot just just jump into a relationship.
(8 March 2017)

Think of the way your children receive the things you say

It is very important build and look after trust with the children. Lay him on his back by using a rolled-up towel under his head. Lean his go the sink and run the liquid over his head clear of his face. This lets you retain your individuality with your identity being a parent.

I was thinking a couple shirts but idk what else.
(7 March 2017)

Not sure what to get him at all.
(7 March 2017)

This is his first birthday with me.
(7 March 2017)

I really do not know what to get him.
(7 March 2017)

So, should I try to get my ex back or should I wait until college?
(7 March 2017)

My ex is attractive, sweet, but quiet, which is why I think I did not like him as much as he liked me.
(7 March 2017)

Although, I only date virgins since I am super prude and am afraid of not finding any attractive, sweet, extraverted virgins in college.
(7 March 2017)

Although, I am going to college this fall and am not sure if I will find anyone as sweet as him.
(7 March 2017)

The thing is, my ex is a super sweet guy and he was always there for me, unlike this jerk who just randomly stopped talking to me.
(7 March 2017)

He messaged me back and forth for a straight 1.5 hours to get the nude, and I still declined.
(7 March 2017)

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Think of the way your children receive the things you say

It is very important build and look after trust with the children. Lay him on his back by using a rolled-up towel under his head. Lean his go the sink and run the liquid over his head clear of his face. This lets you retain your individuality with your identity being a parent.

When she told me she wanted the break, she also said that she did not want to lose me and that she still wanted to do everything the same.
(7 March 2017)

Of course i regret it and will do my best to change my ways.
(7 March 2017)

I knew it was wrong but i always thought she didnt mind or that she took it as a joke like i tried to make it out to be.
(7 March 2017)

I admit that i have done that but i never meant a single word, that is just how i speak to people i am comfortable with.
(7 March 2017)

The main reasons i think are that i disrespect her a lot and talk down to her all the time and she is just sick of it.
(7 March 2017)

She lives with her parents who are very unhappy, she says she doesn't know what to do with her life, and she is stressing and pulling her hair.
(7 March 2017)

She said that it was for different reasons.
(7 March 2017)

Is there anything i can do to get it back?
(7 March 2017)

I dont have the receipt anymore because it is about 5-6 years old.
(7 March 2017)

I also know what was on pretty much every page.
(7 March 2017)

So which nominated film each year was most deserving?

This is common sense for anyone who cares about cinema and has been paying attention in recent years. The Oscars are more about marketing and momentum and the current zeitgeist than they are about real assessment of quality. I would argue Silence, Hacksaw Ridge, and my personal pet, Arrival, were all better films than Moonlight.

We would like to adopt a waiting child whose parental rights have been terminated because we don't want to get overly attached only for them to be taken away.
(6 March 2017)

Where would we need to go to be able to become licensed to adopt from foster care?
(6 March 2017)

We aren't huge fans of international adoption or domestic infant adoption, mainly due to the expense, waiting time, and something about both of those options make us uncomfortable.
(6 March 2017)

I have been looking up information on adopting from the foster care system since that is the route we have decided to take.
(6 March 2017)

Neither of us have a desire to reproduce yet we would still like to be parents.
(6 March 2017)

My husband is 31 and I'm 29. We have decided that we would like to adopt rather than have bio kids.
(6 March 2017)

I don't feel like myself anymore!? Help !?
(6 March 2017)

Thoughts on the name Adelie?
(6 March 2017)

So I have this friend and shes a pretty shy person and she keeps butting her head on my should, what does it mean?
(6 March 2017)

I don't want my dad to drink anymore but I feel uncomfortable telling him. How should I do it?
(6 March 2017)

You should keep in mind that Google has really evolved over the past couple of years

Now, it can go through your website and find out whether you have stuffed keywords on it. Are you actually providing genuine value to your web visitors? What is the solution : The solution to this mistake is simple. This failure will lead to another failure: where you will end up posting content that is unrelated and unfocused.

Is it bad being alone?
(6 March 2017)

I need no more problems with the police.
(6 March 2017)

I don't trust myself not to punch them in the face.
(6 March 2017)

Being with them will bring me no good.
(6 March 2017)

Girls, hot guys or cute guys?
(6 March 2017)

Cute guys: Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran Hot guys: David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Ian Somerhalder etc.
(6 March 2017)

Two questions on if a guy loves you..?
(6 March 2017)

B) why would he change the volume of his voice to match yours.
(6 March 2017)

A) Why would he tease your voice?
(6 March 2017)

Adopted a child I cannot take care of?
(6 March 2017)

Monday 6 March 2017

You should keep in mind that Google has really evolved over the past couple of years

Now, it can go through your website and find out whether you have stuffed keywords on it. Are you actually providing genuine value to your web visitors? What is the solution : The solution to this mistake is simple. This failure will lead to another failure: where you will end up posting content that is unrelated and unfocused.

This is a question for those in committed relationships only please.
(5 March 2017)

I'm horny all the time?
(5 March 2017)

I masturbate 4 times a day and I find it harder and harder to get off every time I do it.
(5 March 2017)

I'm a 17 year old virgin because i'm waiting until I find someone who can take my virginity and the sex will get better.
(5 March 2017)

Please give me some advice?
(5 March 2017)

I haven't seen her in one month and she had blocked me for one week now.. she means a lot to me and i don't want to lose her.. has someone some advice for me?
(5 March 2017)

I was really close to someone i even called her 'mom'.. we saw each other at least once a week and texted every day.
(5 March 2017)

My best friend is in love with me. Help?
(5 March 2017)

How could I tell him without damaging our friendship?
(5 March 2017)

I've been avoiding him for a couple days, but it's hard because we work together.
(5 March 2017)

Sunday 5 March 2017

You should keep in mind that Google has really evolved over the past couple of years

Now, it can go through your website and find out whether you have stuffed keywords on it. Are you actually providing genuine value to your web visitors? What is the solution : The solution to this mistake is simple. This failure will lead to another failure: where you will end up posting content that is unrelated and unfocused.

I am a shy person. What can I do to be more outgoing and actively involved in work with my team?
(4 March 2017)

I try, nevertheless to get involved.
(4 March 2017)

When the two other members of our team start discussing things, I feel I am being 'rude' by 'butting in' to their conversation.
(4 March 2017)

I feel that, like the others, I have something valuable to offer.
(4 March 2017)

Yet, I still want to be involved in our daily decisions, as a valued member of the team.
(4 March 2017)

My shyness at work lies with a fear of seeming 'rude' or 'impolite' by interrupting my colleagues.
(4 March 2017)

I want to change this, so that I feel more included at work with my team.
(4 March 2017)

Ok, before I start I don't appreciate any unhelpful answers.
(4 March 2017)

I don't feel like I'm going to make it?
(4 March 2017)

Can anyone offer me some advice?
(4 March 2017)