Sunday, 23 October 2016

Curious what man would be held accountable for a throwaway term 2 decades ago?

Is it an ongoing progressive grassroots effort that's existed since Bradley days and before? As Nixon noted, the problem with asking other people's opinion is sooner or later you have to take it. First, Hillary wasn't President, so anything positive accrues to her husband, negative sticks to her.

I lived the first 13 years of my life not knowing who my brother was.
(22 October 2016)

It felt like I was hit my a truck.
(22 October 2016)

Found out about my biological dad, found out my friend was my cousin, found out about my half brother, etc.
(22 October 2016)

I really need some help... At the beginning of this year, I found out a lot of things about my family.
(22 October 2016)

How can I convince my mom to let me see an older boy?
(22 October 2016)

I'm in grade 10, he's in grade 12. We both like each other but my mom says he's too old for me and that she doesn't want me hanging out with him anymore, even at school.
(22 October 2016)

Does she have a boyfriend? How do I found out?
(21 October 2016)

So how can I find out if she already has a boyfriend?
(21 October 2016)

But she was on the guys' campus, but she may have just been visiting her brother.
(21 October 2016)

Every time I've seen her, she's alone.
(21 October 2016)


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