Saturday, 22 October 2016

The window you have to impress them is very small so make the interaction as easy as possible

But the truth is you and your employees spend way more time thinking about your business than your customers. In the same way, companies have a high interest in and knowledge of their products and services. Focusing on high impact moments of truth helps you to do this.

My brother thinks she is angry with him.
(21 October 2016)

The suggestion list box on Instagram.. HELP!?
(21 October 2016)

Why is he asking me to be friends with benefits?
(21 October 2016)

A guy keeps telling everyone hes taken by me and he recently told me to stop annoying him by refusing to be friends with benefits.
(21 October 2016)

This girl thinks I'm ignoring her?
(21 October 2016)

Why has my friend stopped speaking to everyone?
(21 October 2016)

My friend used to speak ALOT but she just suddenly stopped speaking.Not completely she will still say hi and the occasional sentence but there is a big change.
(21 October 2016)

What's it like to kiss someone?
(21 October 2016)

My 13 year old friend s stomach has been getting bigger since she had sex and we think she s pregnant. We don t know what to do?
(21 October 2016)

It has been about 2 months since, and we just need to know what to do and how to tell her parents about it if she is.
(21 October 2016)


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