Monday, 26 September 2016

The health committee is gathering evidence in response to a petition asking for a law change

Medical professionals or Politicians? A fortnight ago it heard from supporters of voluntary euthanasia, and on Tuesday it was the turn of those who oppose it. The Wellington Interfaith Council said all religions opposed the ending of life. Receive our weekly emails direct to your Inbox.

Shortly after we got back in touch and started dating he messaged me with a series of increasingly invasive questions before simply demanding to know if we were together.
(25 September 2016)

He's largely ignored this, colonizing her social media profiles and trying to start a conversation every time she's online.
(25 September 2016)

She informed him from the beginning that they were never going to be anything except friends.
(25 September 2016)

He saw her as his last real shot at becoming a father.
(25 September 2016)

She saw him as a guy with similar religious views and interests.
(25 September 2016)

We went our separate ways and she ended up meeting another guy online, whom we'll call Jerrod.
(25 September 2016)

We both liked each other but neither knew it was mutual.
(25 September 2016)

My girlfriend and I met about five years ago.
(25 September 2016)

This keeps happening, no one talks to me, I'm 24 female and my co workers will talk about what they're all gonna do without me after work?
(25 September 2016)

It was like this in school now at work.
(25 September 2016)


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