Wednesday, 24 August 2016

I was still big into DW so that was kind of a bummer but it was still astounding

Tardis-in-the-impala-at-221B URLS. What series of events sunk this fortress? This was so much of what tumblr was. It was a miracle, but I was so confused. Overnight it became an embarrassment to admit that you were in a popular fandom. All of them are much more obviously diverse, so Superwholock starts looking bland in comparison.

What s the chances with my hcg rising so slowly my baby has any chance?
(23 August 2016)

But I went to see my gp this morning and she told me of they rise at all, get the early pregnancy unit to give me progesterone supplements.
(23 August 2016)

I just assumed that s it, I m loosing the pregnancy again.
(23 August 2016)

I got tested at 3w6d and my levels where 75 and then again at 4w5d and they where 121....Obviously not ideal at all.
(23 August 2016)

I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks in May so due to that when I found out I was pregnant this time the doctor was keeping an eye on my hcg levels.
(23 August 2016)

When I found out I was pregnant I didn't have insurance, but I found a Dr. On our first visit she made us sign an $800 financial agreement?
(23 August 2016)

We are just having a very difficult time and could really use the money to get baby stuff.
(23 August 2016)

In the agreement there was no mention of refund one way or another.
(23 August 2016)

Can we get our money back, since she didn't render the service she agreed upon?
(23 August 2016)

The doctor completely dropped us as she doesn't accept medicaid.
(23 August 2016)


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