Wednesday, 24 August 2016

There are many solid reasons for hiring a mom who can speak two languages

Going global no longer needs be a pipe dream when you have a bilingual mom or two working on your behalf. Going global no longer needs be a pipe dream when you have a bilingual mom or two working on your behalf. If you hire a bilingual mom then she can bring much more than just her language skills to the role.

He told me he got his work done but he needed to study and I said ok well that's still homework and you shouldn't be talking to me.
(23 August 2016)

His mom got upset with me because I shouldn't have talked to him when he's studying and shouldn't let him lie to her, but I didn't know what was going on.
(23 August 2016)

He's so busy with school, diving, and strict parents.
(23 August 2016)

My bf of 5 months is grounded because he was on the phone with me when he should be studying.
(23 August 2016)

Good apps to meet people?
(23 August 2016)

What's some good apps to make friends?
(23 August 2016)

My mother gets mad I visit her when in she is in town.
(23 August 2016)

Aunt lives out of town and avoids family events so I see cousin more but aunt comes to visit her parents from time to time and I try to see her.
(23 August 2016)

Should I text to her real number or should I forget about her. What do I do???
(23 August 2016)

She was very friendly and sweet and interested in me.
(23 August 2016)


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