Sunday, 14 August 2016

An umbrella offers basic protection for yourself and more importantly your gear

As a result, the most mundane things turn into drama, mystery, and poetry. So I made an umbrella part of my essential photography gear, just like spare batteries or a spare memory card. Being protected allows for more calmness and time when framing a photograph.

When should I first feel my baby move?
(14 August 2016)

My 1st pregnacy I felt at 16 weeks.
(14 August 2016)

I've felt flutters but not any regular movement yet is this normal for 19 weeks?
(14 August 2016)

Why does my boyfriend push me away so much?
(14 August 2016)

I can even try to get intimate with him and he tells me to quit touching him... But then I can look at his phone and it's full of porn that he watches during the day at work or when I'm not home, what's going on...
(14 August 2016)

His dad and brother live with us, and it's like he'd rather hang out with them.
(14 August 2016)

I can even ask if he wants to go hang out alone in the bedroom after the boys go to sleep and it never happens.
(14 August 2016)

We've been together 4 years and have two babies.
(14 August 2016)

It's like, we never spend time together alone.
(14 August 2016)

Help with boyfriend?
(14 August 2016)


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