Sunday, 14 August 2016

This AI is considered to be weak because it specializes in only one category

We want to have robots clean our house, talk to us, and support. Still, we often think about types of artificial intelligence as about mighty robots that will take over most of our jobs. Can this happen in the near future? However, there are already many awesome kinds of artificial intelligence.

A couple weeks ago, I showed her a video of a song cover from Jess Greenberg, you might know her, she shows a lot of cleavage and stuff when she plays the guitar, you can also kinda see them jiggle a bit when she strums.
(13 August 2016)

I did a little test with my mom.
(13 August 2016)

Told her i liked her and now shes not replying?
(13 August 2016)

I asked my co worker if she was single, because she is too sweet to be alone.
(13 August 2016)

Why is my sister so mean?
(13 August 2016)

I didn't know I had two seconds to hang a shirt up.
(13 August 2016)

My mom always yells at me got arguments she started.
(13 August 2016)

She only 9 . She can't find mind her own god damn buisness.
(13 August 2016)

And she finds a bra on the floor in my room and she picks it up and asks why is it there . Like she can't even stop finding ways to criticize me.
(13 August 2016)

I didn't even get a chance to fix it and she's already criticizing me.
(13 August 2016)


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