Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I can't stand outside an talk for an hour.
(5 May 2018)

When I get home and I have things to do, especially yard work, I want to be left alone.
(5 May 2018)

Family Values?
(5 May 2018)

Is it fitting for someone to be divorced and claim to have good family values. ?
(5 May 2018)

How do i make my last two months here not miserable?
(5 May 2018)

Do you think it's a bit strange that a guy who is married and has two kids, does not say he is married on his FB page, and has not one pic?
(5 May 2018)

He and his wife are in their 30's.
(5 May 2018)

Where it says relationship info, there is nothing.
(5 May 2018)

She asked me to accompany her to to her friend's birthday. I'm nervous and getting catastrophic thoughts? Please help?
(5 May 2018)

My birthday is next week also therefore my she is meeting my family for the first time and I don't want anyone getting in the way of what I have with my best friend.
(5 May 2018)


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