Saturday, 1 April 2017

I was particularly interested in anything on China

I also wanted to learn about the new efforts and approaches were being developed to deal with the cyber threat. Second I was concerned about the state of the readiness of the fleet. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 8 February, Admiral William F.

Why are people such jerks?
(31 March 2017)

Idk why this hurt me so bad but it just like ruined my night i was having so much fun and that little thing changed it.
(31 March 2017)

I was at a college baseball game with some friends and this guy started talking to me showing me card tricks so we were talking and then other people wanted to see.
(31 March 2017)

I'm 19 old male no no one woman has hit on me?
(31 March 2017)

I am 22 and I want a baby and to get married. Advice?
(31 March 2017)

Maybe big forehead does eqaul bad pussy.
(31 March 2017)

Why did my former bullies from high school get engaged or pregnant?
(31 March 2017)

I can't even get a tampon in me or a finger.
(31 March 2017)

Besides having a baby in your 20s is physically better and you can be hot and pregnant at 24 where as at 35 you can't be hot and pregnant.
(31 March 2017)

I would love to be 30 with 2 kids and happily married but I have a big forehead.
(31 March 2017)


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