Monday, 7 November 2016

Tell us- what do YOU think about what Laurita wrote?

She acts like a petulant child and takes ZERO accountability for her own actions. She once again uses her blog to try to further cause dissension between Melissa and Teresa. She appears SO ANGRY they are at peace. She has to keep slinging up the past with what they said about each other to try to stir the pot.

She wants to deny there were any arguments.
(6 November 2016)

They had some pretty bad arguments in the past.
(6 November 2016)

This lady is older than this guy by 15 years.
(6 November 2016)

How many boys do you know named Ashton?
(6 November 2016)

My crush has girlfriend even though he's been flirting me?
(6 November 2016)

Obviously I'm going to stop flirting, but i think he's a total jerk for doing this.
(6 November 2016)

I feel like a complete idiot now and don't want to go to go to class, bc I don't want to see him.
(6 November 2016)

I had seen the two of them hanging out at school, but I thought they were just friends.
(6 November 2016)

I've liked a guy at school for a while now and we have been flirting a little, but making it very obvious we like eachother bc we constantly look at eachother and make eye contact.
(6 November 2016)

So yesterday, i went to his house around 2pm, he had just moved into a new house, and the plan was house tour and drinks.
(6 November 2016)


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