Tuesday, 22 November 2016

But technology has advanced so quickly that the robot takeover is only a matter of time

At worst, it was the absurd conjecture of a delusional thinker. As innovation continues, that 6% number will look pretty minimal. But there are jobs a robot will never be able to do. These jobs require a uniquely human skill set. Project managers must be able to build emotionally intelligent relationships with clients.

Thigh touch. Flirty or just friendly?
(22 November 2016)

I wondered if this meant that he was interested or if it was just a friendly touch.
(22 November 2016)

Last week on a work night out he put his hand on my thigh, only for a couple of seconds.
(22 November 2016)

There's a guy at work that I find looking at my quite often and we have good chat and laughs all the time.
(22 November 2016)

Why is it so bad to ask my online boyfriend to add me to his Facebook?
(22 November 2016)

There are other things that make me suspicious, but this one is the biggest one.
(22 November 2016)

He has added me to his Facebook twice and immediately unfriended me.
(22 November 2016)

He just says, his family and friends do not need to know what is going on in our relationship.
(22 November 2016)

When I ask him, he dances around the question.
(22 November 2016)

He refuses to like any of my pics, and he does not add me as a friend.
(22 November 2016)


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