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Started this girl for about 5 months.
(10 October 2016)
Did I handle this situation well? What should I have done?
(10 October 2016)
Bf and I are Christian but we cant stop having sex?
(10 October 2016)
We know we want to marry each other and we love each other but what do we do?
(10 October 2016)
We want to have a good relationship with God but we always end up having sex.
(10 October 2016)
Hi, my mom isn t a christian but I am and she keeps hitting me and saying I have to be kicked out of the house because I m messy and short?
(10 October 2016)
Right decision?
(10 October 2016)
I re-deleted them, and this time deleted them and blocked them (phone number too). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
(10 October 2016)
Even when I reached out, forgave them, asked them to hangout in person, and asked them to catch me up in their life.
(10 October 2016)
They are posting on social media and adding other people but still can't find the time to contact me.
(10 October 2016)
Started this girl for about 5 months.
(10 October 2016)
Did I handle this situation well? What should I have done?
(10 October 2016)
Bf and I are Christian but we cant stop having sex?
(10 October 2016)
We know we want to marry each other and we love each other but what do we do?
(10 October 2016)
We want to have a good relationship with God but we always end up having sex.
(10 October 2016)
Hi, my mom isn t a christian but I am and she keeps hitting me and saying I have to be kicked out of the house because I m messy and short?
(10 October 2016)
Right decision?
(10 October 2016)
I re-deleted them, and this time deleted them and blocked them (phone number too). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
(10 October 2016)
Even when I reached out, forgave them, asked them to hangout in person, and asked them to catch me up in their life.
(10 October 2016)
They are posting on social media and adding other people but still can't find the time to contact me.
(10 October 2016)
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