Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Players are your most valuable asset when it comes to your club

It gives athletes across the globe and within every sport a unique platform to voice their thoughts and opinions. From letters to younger selves, to reflections on their careers. From photo essays to video journals. Athletes get to be themselves and give you insight into their lives and minds while become storytellers.

And it been having horrible headaches ( not normal for me) Could I be pregnant?
(18 October 2016)

And a week before all of this my breasts have been very tender and sensitive to the point it hurts to wear a bra.
(18 October 2016)

Day 3 very light and light reddish pinkish.
(18 October 2016)

Day 2 lightly heavier with clots really bad cramps where I couldn t sleep.
(18 October 2016)

This month I started having brownish discharge a day early all day.
(18 October 2016)

Second day heavy third day very light fourth heavy then it s over.
(18 October 2016)

First day very heavy and cramps in the morning.
(18 October 2016)

My period is very regular 4 day.
(18 October 2016)

What does it mean if my rape changed me?
(18 October 2016)

I stay at home most of the time and tbh I feel like I'm ok with this but is it bad if my rape changed me?
(18 October 2016)


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