Thursday, 27 October 2016

It is very important to know about acne and its types also cause why acne can arise

With know it would make us better understand how to do a proper treatment so as not worse. Because natural ingredients contain a lot of benefits for human health. Besides natural materials are more readily available and less expensive when compared to chemical drugs.

He doesn t expect me to, because i said no, but i can still say yes.
(26 October 2016)

But i don t know if i want to do it.
(26 October 2016)

And as i said, he is really sexy, lol.
(26 October 2016)

The legal sex age is 15 in my country, so it wouldn t be illegal for him or for me.
(26 October 2016)

I m a virgin, and i m not sure if i would regret it.
(26 October 2016)

I wasn t sure for like 2 days and then i told him i m not comming, and he was like ,,sure, don t worry i understand :) He would also give me money for the train if i come :D And he seemed kinda nice so idk.
(26 October 2016)

But then i declined, and he was really cool about it.
(26 October 2016)

And again, i was like idk. then he said we can just talk and stuff and then i can decide if i want it or not.
(26 October 2016)

And then he asked me, if i d like to have sex when we meet or not.
(26 October 2016)

And he asked me if i want to hook up, and i was like, idk, not sure.
(26 October 2016)


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