Sunday, 23 October 2016

Interviews are generally stressful even though you must have appeared for many interviews

What are your short term and long term goals? Why did you leave your previous job? How would you rate your previous employer? So, let us start understanding the purpose of such questions. So, when you answer a question you should be prepared to give short, smart and a positive reply.

I can tell her friend likes me to.
(22 October 2016)

I like her friend, but they are really close.
(22 October 2016)

My problem is: this one girl likes me, but I don t like her.
(22 October 2016)

Friend got kicked out today?
(22 October 2016)

His dad steals his money and I have witnessed his dads manipulative behavior of his son. what should he do and how should I console him?
(22 October 2016)

His dad has ruined his life and I am his only friend, (I live 6 hours away). His dad is also a workaholic and has banned my friend from working in the family business.
(22 October 2016)

My friend does everything his dad asks of him plus more its just his dad is old fashioned as believes once a kid turns 18 he should not be under his roof any longer.
(22 October 2016)

His dad is overly strict and has never had a fond liking for his son.
(22 October 2016)

He has 2 jobs and is paying for school all by himself.His dad thinks school is a waste of time and said he would allow his to stay at his house if he quit school, and joined the military.
(22 October 2016)

He got his phone, car, money, and savings bonds taken from him.
(22 October 2016)


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