Friday, 21 October 2016

If you read the ingredients of your deodorant you will be quite surprised

Yet, one of the most threatening items is the deodorant. Our deodorants contain metals, which can cause severe adverse effects on our health. They have also been related to infertility in men. Well, it is applied on the underarms via the deodorant. You can feel the difference by doing a simple armpit detox which requires only 30 minutes of your time.

I have a boyish hair cut, no-makeup, I was wearing baggy clothes, glasses.
(22 October 2016)

I mean I don't fit the stereotype for getting cat-called.
(22 October 2016)

But, the thing is I don't feel like I deserved it.
(22 October 2016)

I went to Walmart tonight and I got cat-called.
(22 October 2016)

Can my neighbors smell my blunt?
(22 October 2016)

How do I make small talk in order to..?
(22 October 2016)

When approaching a girl I don't know well, leaving school, etc, what can I talk about in order to advance the conversation and get the ball rolling?
(22 October 2016)

For example a girl at the gym sorta made small talk with me, and I drew a blank on what to say as I was caught off guard.
(22 October 2016)

Hey, I'm a single guy and I know one of my weaknesses is that it takes me a little bit to get comfortable enough around a girl to know what to talk about with her, but by this time I'm usually friendzoned etc.
(22 October 2016)

Tips on how to make this not awkward?
(22 October 2016)


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