Thursday, 20 October 2016

He also produced a great video of the system in action

Spaces could be at home, at work, outdoors, or any other space the designer could think of. Stick a LACARS interface on the front and it would be complete. Namely the glaring holes in the security of most (I cant say all) IoT devices. Passwords sent in clear text over networks, devices calling home via the Internet, ports left open, default passwords, et al.

What would their first meeting with their new parents be like?
(20 October 2016)

How would the adoptee be notified that someone wants to adopt them?
(20 October 2016)

My boyfriend has been cheating on me, and he only uses me for sex. I would break up with him, but I don t want things to be awkward?
(20 October 2016)

We have a class together and he sits right beside me.
(20 October 2016)

Relationship Advice?!?
(20 October 2016)

She has seen other guys, but she says she doesn t want a relationship right now.
(20 October 2016)

Lately, I have been developing stronger feelings and want more than just a friendship.
(20 October 2016)

We have both said that we are best friends.
(20 October 2016)

We went to different colleges but I will be transferring to her school next year and will be juniors.
(20 October 2016)

Many people think we are going out, but we are not.
(20 October 2016)


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