Thursday, 15 September 2016

We love the flashing lights and click of the mechanical keys clacking

The precision of a mouse with its settings just right is truly a thing of magic. Now, augmented individuals are feared by the general public, ostracized and treated like second-class citizens. Lip synching is unfortunately pretty poor, but the performances are convincing enough that I was never too annoyed by it.

I responded by telling him I have no clue what he is talking about as I have not said anything bad about him.
(14 September 2016)

I asked him what for, and he said that I have said hurtful things.
(14 September 2016)

I have a friend that sen5 me a message saying we need to have a talk.
(14 September 2016)

I think I will ask her out because I really am facinated by her.
(14 September 2016)

She told me she would be down to hang out sometime.
(14 September 2016)

She said after she got my number she deleted her tinder.
(14 September 2016)

She told me she was looking for a relationship but didn't know if she was ready yet.
(14 September 2016)

I told her I was about to delete it but she sparked my interest.
(14 September 2016)

Last night she asked me why I made my tinder and if I was looking for a relationship.
(14 September 2016)

She gave me her number and we have been texting constantly.
(14 September 2016)


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