Monday, 5 September 2016

This helps to work more happy on make better and nicer mods each time

Create a mod takes time, effort and patience. I share my mods for free, for love to the videogames and to help people to have their games better than when they were released. You can donate money, voluntarily of course, to give your appreciation for the work done.

They were all older than me though.
(4 September 2016)

I lied about my age so they wouldn't mess with me.
(4 September 2016)

I said things like a friend died because of this and this, and they got serious with me and left me alone.
(4 September 2016)

I just said stupid things so they would leave me alone.
(4 September 2016)

I am just hoping I don't get caught for what i said.
(4 September 2016)

Now after saying a bunch of lies just to get out of the spot light I feel terrible about it.
(4 September 2016)

At the office; I work with people that are serious about their job and I work in peace with them, but these ladies I've never worked with just made me feel really nervous and absolutely disgusted.
(4 September 2016)

They're gross, they're nasty, they always talk about sex.
(4 September 2016)

The office I currently work at was under renovations and I was forced to work with these women in a different department that I just didn't like.
(4 September 2016)

How to not give out a flirty vibe to guys?
(4 September 2016)


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