Thursday, 22 September 2016

Modern physics points this out more and more as we advance

In April 2016, researchers gathered at the American Museum of Natural History to debate this notion. Ask & you will receive, knock & the door will be opened, as you believe so shall it be, etc. Notify me of new posts via email. So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church.

I think I'm the only one who notices because no one else has ever mentioned it.
(22 September 2016)

What she does it touch the top of her crotch, and sometimes even straight up groped herself for a split second.
(22 September 2016)

I thought it might've been because she was wearing a pad or something, but I kept on noticing it everyday, and it pretty much became something I couldn't unsee.
(22 September 2016)

When I was about 11, I noticed my mom was always touching, or looking like she was checking or adjusting her crotch, at times.
(22 September 2016)

I'm 21 years old and live with my mom and sister.
(22 September 2016)

Is it normal to wake up with stomach aches or could I possibly be pregnant? Please help I am only 16?
(22 September 2016)

I have been waking up with stomach aches, I didn't miss my period this month but almost every morning I wake up with a not so painful but still something, stomach ache. 8 tries to research but it all came up as pregnancy.
(22 September 2016)

How to avoid making friends?
(22 September 2016)

I am starting to hate my best friend?
(22 September 2016)

I want to start a new but everything is connected to her .Some times I hate myself for feeling this way but is it really ok for me to feel this way?
(22 September 2016)


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