Sunday, 25 September 2016

If you ask for the price I must know what the work is before I give a quote

I don't prefer to give a quite before actually knowing what needs to be done in the job. Below is the Statistics that shows the Rate for a Technical Fashion Designer in Hourly basis. Because at this point of time both designer and client are in a vague state of mind.

Why should I feel bad about this?
(24 September 2016)

My bf says I love you to me and I have never said it back and I apologized and he said it was ok I said okay but I still feel bad but why?
(24 September 2016)

Date or stay friends?
(24 September 2016)

Should I go to this baby shower when me and my boyfriend are having troubles?
(24 September 2016)

His friends wifes baby shower is tomorrow i got her something but since.we are not.doing good do i go... I just am so confused Help.
(24 September 2016)

I felt horrible it made me feel like he didnt want me around.. So now he still is texting but very distant.
(24 September 2016)

Then yesterday I told him I wanted to hang out and he said ok but then he got a headache after football game.I went over there.and he sent me home.
(24 September 2016)

Things havent been the same since hes been more distant not really wanting to hang out its weird.
(24 September 2016)

Then a couple weeks ago he got bloody drunk and kissed a bartenter with me standing there.
(24 September 2016)

He said he doesnt like that word.
(24 September 2016)


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