Sunday, 11 September 2016

I believe Hillary Clinton embodies everything that is wrong and corrupt in U.S. politics

That does not mean I have to spend equal time dogging her on the Ethan and Lou show. My only responsibility is to present the funniest and most entertaining program I can. For a host of any show, whether on TV or radio, Donald Trump is a Godsend. Does that mean I disagree with all that he says?

So I have a crush on this kid whose a grade older than me.
(11 September 2016)

This really weird asian guy likes me?
(11 September 2016)

He's really annoying and idk why but every time i think about him I cringe inside. why do i feel so weird about someone having a crush on me?
(11 September 2016)

He hasn't told me he likes me but he shows all the signs and idk but I feel really really awkward whenever he talks to me.
(11 September 2016)

I need new friends!!!! Help!!!!!?
(11 September 2016)

How can I possibly be ok with myself for rejecting a good guy who I love very much?
(11 September 2016)

He doesn t have the same drive and ambition I have so although he s searched for better employment, (1) it s not consistent (2) I feel like I m trying to change him (3) I feel it ll continue to be an issue.
(11 September 2016)

Here s the thing: He s domestic, thoughtful, funny and handsome but doesn t have a career and the financial security I ve grown to see that I need and want.
(11 September 2016)

I ve been living with my bf for 2 of the 4 years we ve been seeing each other.
(11 September 2016)

I m working really hard to improve the quality of life - completing my Bachelors degree and other certifications, paying off debts and landing a great job.
(11 September 2016)


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