Saturday, 6 August 2016

You should be working to continually develop those strengths and put them to work in your life

It gives you the opportunity to leverage your strengths in order to accomplish some pretty great things. How you address those weaknesses is up to you. Sometimes you can work on developing your weaknesses into strengths. Other times, you just have to learn to work around them in order to reach your goals.

Today she told me that she had a dream that he ate her out under the bleachers in our gym and she sucked my dick and I ate her out the day before.
(5 August 2016)

She accidentally told me that she had feelings for him thought he was hot and was attracted to him.
(5 August 2016)

One day into our relationship she cheated on me 3 times with him because I was traveling and hadn't seen her at all since we started dating so I forgave her.
(5 August 2016)

9 weeks measuring 6 weeks with no heart beat?
(5 August 2016)

I'm scared I lost this baby, it's such a terriblef feeling and having to wait is making it worse.
(5 August 2016)

If anyone has had this experience I'd like to hear about it.
(5 August 2016)

Or the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks .I'm really worried and I've been so upset and crying for days and I don't have another ultrasound for 2 weeks to see if baby has grown any.
(5 August 2016)

My doctor told me I either ovulated later than I thoughtb because I have irregular periods.
(5 August 2016)

I was sure of my lmp, I marked it down and I was supposed to be gping in for my 9 weeks ultrasound and the baby measured 6 weeks and they couldn't find a heartbeat.
(5 August 2016)

Help with childish and catty co-workers?
(5 August 2016)


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