Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The public in a democracy have a right to know these things

Smart City Smart nation indeed. But we are not a democracy of course. Embarrassingly even Hong Kong does. Unfortunately in Singapore there is no way that the public will find out anything unless a foreign organisation leaks it. Full of non-sequiters and rambling.

Alright, so I have been quite stressed lately due to my upcoming jaw surgery.
(9 August 2016)

I had sex with 2 men 2 weeks apart. I don t know which is the father?
(9 August 2016)

From the dates above which do you think is the father and will the doctor be able to tell on which day I conceived as they were 12 days apart?
(9 August 2016)

My cycle is usually 30-35 days (it s slightly irregular). I found out today August 10th that I m pregnant and have booked a doctors appointment for next week.
(9 August 2016)

Due to the spotting I m not sure if I ve had a period or not as there s been no change in the heaviness.
(9 August 2016)

I have been spotting lightly since but I thought that was because of the coil.
(9 August 2016)

I went on holiday on July 3rd and slept with the bartender on July 5th.
(9 August 2016)

My period started on June 27th and lasted a week.
(9 August 2016)

He didn t wear protection and I was fitted with a coil as emergency protection on June 25th.
(9 August 2016)

I lost my virginity when I was raped on June 23rd.
(9 August 2016)


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