Sunday, 21 August 2016

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Its easy to tell the person in love to let go.....but the question is does the person taking advantage of the one really in love have any fault in this matter?
(21 August 2016)

The one really committed puts forth their all to make things work and the other part benefits.The problem is the other says good things but is constantly talking about leaving.
(21 August 2016)

Lets say two people are in a relationship.for several years one is deeply in love with the other but the other person says they care but rarely shows it.
(21 August 2016)

Do I need more space than most people?
(21 August 2016)

Or do I need more space than most people?
(21 August 2016)

This isn't just in my romantic relationships, this goes for my friendships as well.
(21 August 2016)

I feel like I'm being smothered if we spend too much time together.
(21 August 2016)

I love him, but I need my personal space.
(21 August 2016)

But I can't stand seeing my boyfriend more than two-three days a week.
(21 August 2016)

I'm an only child, so I guess that might explain why.
(21 August 2016)


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