Friday, 5 August 2016

Often decisions of politicians make little to no sense at all

The book The Five Thousand explains why the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they way they did. The majority of their discussions focused on the best ways to implement their goals. The book steps through 28 principles of which the Founding Fathers based their ideas.

My ex always stayed mad at me and would barely show affection she would only show affection when she felt like it claiming cause she had anxiety and depression but shes really just a drama queen.
(5 August 2016)

Whats the longest amount of time it takes to fully dilate?
(5 August 2016)

This gut feeling?
(5 August 2016)

My two favorite sports and I think this feeling is trying to tell me i should stop doing anything to do with them such as watching them, playing them, video games etc.
(5 August 2016)

Ok this might sound stupid but I have this annoying gut feeling about basketball and football.
(5 August 2016)

It s still an issue because again we have mutual friends (still). Also my aunt is friends with her mom.
(5 August 2016)

This may sound a little high school-ish and I don t need everyone to like me.
(5 August 2016)

Why did this guy send me a friend request even though he didn't talk to me or even look at me? Is he shy or what?
(5 August 2016)

Sibset Thoughts?
(5 August 2016)

What do you think of these two names and do you think they work as a sibset?
(5 August 2016)


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