Monday, 15 August 2016

It would be wrong then to cite crisis and terror as reasons to reject that very humanism

The Brandenburg Gate, Germany, illuminated in the colours of the French flag, following the November 2015 Paris terror attack. How do we tell ourselves we believe in building a better world, when merely preserving what we have feels like a Herculean task?

My mom is like my bff and I feel VERY guilty for not telling her.
(14 August 2016)

I kissed a guy awhile ago I totally regret and I feel HORRIBLE about it and it was a mistake.
(14 August 2016)

Why does my friend bear so much anger against me?
(14 August 2016)

Is this normal behaviour on her part?
(14 August 2016)

We live in a small city and share a lot of the same mutual friends and out gatherings are at her place.
(14 August 2016)

She picked up and I requested her to hear me out and she just merely screamed that she was very busy and she doesn't have time thats why she hung up.
(14 August 2016)

It was late but I still called her to clear and she hung up.
(14 August 2016)

Then I called her up a 5 months later and she was still sweet.
(14 August 2016)

I called her up the following day and she said her phone got a virus.
(14 August 2016)

I told her that on WhatsApp and then, I find myself blocked on Facebook and WhatsApp and Instagram.
(14 August 2016)


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