Friday, 5 August 2016

I think they have to in order to survive around their father and I

The girl is very dramatic, but her I understand. Nothing she likes more than to make an appearance here. No one can fall on a sword like my son. This does not bode well for a happy life and I sincerely hope he grows out of this. His father and I refuse to buy into this tendency.

I'm moving in a week and I put in my two weeks notice at my work, about a week and a half ago.
(4 August 2016)

Is it weird that i changed my name twice?
(4 August 2016)

How can I tell my son I m pregnant since I m single and the sex wasn t consensual?
(4 August 2016)

Also, my son will be excited - but just not sure what to tell him.
(4 August 2016)

I have tremendous family support and I m in a good place to have this baby.
(4 August 2016)

He s very concerned about me and I want to allay his fears as soon as is reasonable.
(4 August 2016)

Also, I ve had terrible morning sickness this week and he knows something s up.
(4 August 2016)

I don t want him to think I sleep around, but yet I don t want him to be traumatized.
(4 August 2016)

Since I am dating another man, I feel like my son needs to know that the baby is not biologically his (in case we break up) but I don t know what I should tell him (if anything ) about the way the baby was conceived.
(4 August 2016)

My son is 10 and his father has never been involved and this new baby obviously won t have a father involved.
(4 August 2016)


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