Wednesday, 10 August 2016

I can see a broccoli-shaped object with blood vessels

Lately, I have been living with lava-lamp shifting globs and flashing lights in the lower portion of my right vision. A dark veil covers my lower vision. My other eye sometimes manages to take over. In the meantime I might have to rule out an optic nerve tumor or aneurysm with another test.

I know what they're doing is best for me but it makes me mad when I want something and it doesn't go my way, and it easily irritated me.
(10 August 2016)

Why is attracting women so hard?
(10 August 2016)

Although, there are some average to not so good looking men with attractive women but I read that these guys are players only to get laid, these guys are not serious dating material.
(10 August 2016)

It's like the survival of the fittest, like a male peacock spreading his feathers.
(10 August 2016)

So mating must be challenging on purpose then.
(10 August 2016)

I read that men's brain pattern is a straightforward and continuous linear pattern while women's brain is all over, constantly going back and forth.
(10 August 2016)

Do you know someone in the carnival?
(10 August 2016)

I sometimes get disappointed not getting a call or text from my bf, I know hes working hes the supervisor and technician he can do a lot.
(10 August 2016)

And their always busy, arn't they. 16 hrs a day, no days off.
(10 August 2016)

My balls aren't perfectly smooth?
(10 August 2016)


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