Monday, 22 August 2016

For transgender kids it can present additional challenges

Alec Dean is a transgender senior in Kokomo. Parker Worster is a transgender senior at North Central High School in Indianapolis. He came out as transgender in his junior year, and says it was really hard at first. But soon he got a new haircut, and started dressing in a way that made him feel more comfortable, and things got better.

That doesn't leave any place for me to find a guy and date long term leading to marriage.
(22 August 2016)

I'm an indoor type of person, and most young guys my age in their 20's like to hang out at bars, going clubbing, hunting with male friends, gym.
(22 August 2016)

I'm so insecure. Help?!?
(22 August 2016)

I haven't told anybody this because its something that really bothers me but I don't like talking about.
(22 August 2016)

I don't even have a computer because it broke.
(22 August 2016)

I just wanna be home schooled so bad but I know my mom won't let me.
(22 August 2016)

I always look at my friends, family and just random people's teeth and it makes me jealous.
(22 August 2016)

Some boys use to make fun of me, it made me really sad.
(22 August 2016)

I hate talking to people, smiling or even getting out my house.
(22 August 2016)

I have to wait till I'm 16 for my surgery so 2 more years.
(22 August 2016)


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